2.0.1 Rebirth

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Rebirth 2.0.1 Windows

Looks like I'm in trouble here. My copy of Rebirth doesn't have a serial number. I have ReBirth.One - which was distributed by Steinberg at the time, but still has PropellerHead's name on the CD. I don't see why I wouldn't be elligable, but to get the upgrade at the discounted price, I have to have registered Rebirth.which I can't do without a serial number. It uses the CD as a dongle - it MUST be in the drive to function, but never needed a serial#. It would be a real shame if I can't upgrade. I had already gotten ideads in my head for rewiring P5 and Reason together for a hella mix of instruments.

I've used it, but don't own it and could never justify buying it at full price - this would have been a perfect chance. I've emailed their support. I guess we'll see what comes of it. *crosses fingers* -Sol.

ORIGINAL: xylyx Why are so many people excited about getting a 303, 808 and 909 emulation? Especially when you can't even use it as a plugin and still has the crappy 'cd check' copy protection? It's not as if there aren't already decent 303 emulators in plugin form and samples of the 2 drum machines are readily available.*shrug*.must be missing something. You can use it with rewire in P5. Works perfect.

What decent 303 emulators do you mean? Rb 338 is in my opinion one of the best 303 emulators (and i owned a real tb years ago). And last but not least: the program makes fun as standalone! I remember tons of great songs that were created only with this program.

ORIGINAL: Huves You can use it with rewire in P5. Works perfect. What decent 303 emulators do you mean? Rb 338 is in my opinion one of the best 303 emulators (and i owned a real tb years ago). And last but not least: the program makes fun as standalone! I remember tons of great songs that were created only with this program. World Of Warships Game.

I hate Rewire (I think I should make this my sig! ).I think it is horrible and antiquated. FLStudio's implementation as a DXi and VSTi showed that Rewire was no longer necessary and that having two programs tethered together via 'virtual' audio/midi cables was something that needn't happen any more.

How to uninstall ReBirth 2.0 Version 2.0.1 by Propellerhead Software AB? Learn how to remove ReBirth 2.0 Version 2.0.1 from your computer. In this tradition, Propellerhead Software offers the full version of ReBirth 2.0.1. Besides the other Software Synth Programs use the VST 2.0 or 2.1 plugin.

Anyway, this is a familiar rant from me, so I will stop there On the emulator front: I am wary of broaching this with someone who had a real one, as I have seen enough 'Tau bad' and 'Tau good' topics over at KvR to know that getting a definitive emulation that everyone likes is impossible. Anyway, Muon Tau 2 is more than adequate for my 303 type needs. The other main option is Audiorealism's Bassline which replicates the old 303 type interface and programming method if that's what you want (I didn't). ORIGINAL: xylyx.until I asked myself what I would want it for, to which I answered 'dunno, but it's free!!' (yes, I am schizo). Been there myself, but not this time.