Brown Patch Fungus Fescue Lawn

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Enter your zipcode: North Carolina University Turfgrass Center reports that Brown Patch thrives in high humidity where temperatures exceed 85° F over a prolonged stretch of June and July. Applying nitrogen-based fertilizers during a bout of Brown Patch only makes it worse. You'll know you have Brown Patch if sections of your lawn form circular patches of dark, wilting grass. A grayish 'smoke-ring' edge can form around the circles. The grass will turn brown as it dies. Battling Brown Patch Tall fescue and other cool-season grasses are typically mowed at taller heights than St.


The Clipse Discography Rapidshare Er. Disease Cycle. The brown patch fungus is well adapted to survive year after year in lawn thatch, diseased plant tissues and in the upper soil layer by means of.

Augustine or Bermuda grasses. Hence, the tell-tale rings often seen from Brown Patch fungi on warm-season lawns may not appear. Prevention is the best medicine.

— Written By N.C. Cooperative Extension. Tall fescue is the most widely planted turfgrass species in North Carolina, currently being managed on over 1 million. More Brown Patch Fungus Fescue Lawn images.

If you have tall fescue or another cool-season grass, water early in the morning, allowing the moisture to burn off in hot, humid weather. Be sure to remove excessive thatch every year, if necessary. Test your soil and keep the pH between 6 and 6.5. If you traditionally allow mulching, stop the practice as soon as you see symptoms of Brown Patch to avoid spreading the fungus. You may have to resort to using fungicide. Fungicides come in granules, powders, and ready-to-spray concentrates.

Many brand containing thiophanate-methyl, chlorothalonil, propiconazole, triadimefon, and myclobutanil have been used with varying success on lawns around the country. You may want to hire a licensed lawn-care contractor to apply these powerful chemicals.

Treating an Active Infection Apply a fungicide with the active ingredient Chlorothalonil (such as Daconil), which will kill brown patch fungus on contact. Another effective fungicide is Terraclor, whose active ingredient is Pentachloronitrobenzene.

Best practice is to perform two or three treatments each seven days apart. Apply fungicide not only to the visibly affected areas, but also to the five or six feet surrounding the damage. Treatments will not restore green to the brown patches on your lawn, but they will beat back the fungus so that your lawn can begin to recover.

Do not fertilize your lawn until after the final fungicide treatment. Afterwards, be careful not to over-fertilize. Give your lawn only a very light fertilizer application to aid in its recovery. During an outbreak, don't mow when the grass is wet, and don't leave grass clippings on the ground.

The clippings will be full of the brown patch fungal spores and will reinfect your lawn. You may resume mulch mowing after successful treatment is concluded. Preventative Fungicidal Application Use Bayleton (Fung-Away) slow release formula to prevent brown patch in lawns that have had past outbreaks or are in a region that is susceptible to brown patch outbreaks. Apply at least a week or two before the season of greatest vulnerability to brown patch and reapply throughout the growing season. Other Preventative Practices Do not water your lawn in the late afternoon or evening. Unabsorbed water standing on the grass all night long creates a favorable condition for brown patch outbreaks.

Instead, water early in the morning. High nitrogen fertilizers also create prime fungal growth conditions, so don't over-fertilize. Apply fertilizer according to package directions, and err on the side of less rather than more. If you prefer to leave your grass clippings on the lawn, use a mulch mower that cuts these clippings into quarter-inch lengths or shorter. Longer pieces will create a 'thatch' that protects and encourages fungal growth.