Digital Forensics With Open Source Tools Rapidshare

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Digital Forensics With Open Source Tools RapidshareCory Altheide

Open Source Digital Forensics. The Sleuth Kit® is a collection of command line tools and a C library that allows you to analyze disk images and recover files.

5-Day Open Source Digital Forensics Consultation Providing comprehensive digital forensics training using Open Source tools designed for lab environments and examiners with a limited budget. Game Tetris Untuk Pc Gratis. This course focuses on conducting forensic analysis of digital evidence acquired from desktop computers, laptops, RAM, and external storage media. Concepts taught will be enforced through instructor-guided scenarios, practical exercises, and discussion forums centered on providing solutions to technical obstacles for new and experienced examiners. Course Overview The Open Source Digital Forensics Course (OSDFC) is designed to train law enforcement, IT administrators, and IT security investigators the latest methods and procedures utilized to acquire and analyze digital media with open source or free tools. Digital forensics is an extremely sought after skill that provides the investigator with technical insight and verifiable evidence about how a computer had been used when committing a crime. While the training to become an effective examiner is highly specialized, unfortunately the commercial tools available to a lab environment can be extremely expensive. License maintenance costs makes some tools impossible or even an unrealistic line item of increasingly reduced budgets.

Despite the exponential growth of technology being used in support of more crimes, hard decisions have to be made with respect to the capability of LE agencies to handle digital evidence. The Open Source community has responded in a big way and begun to develop viable forensic tools, available on multiple platforms, that can process digital evidence with the same level of integrity as their commercial counterparts. Dell E196fpb Driver Windows 7 there. What You Will Learn • Sound techniques to manage cases containing digital evidence • Foundational training on how to properly identify digital evidence and proper handling techniques • Procedures to acquire digital media from multiple sources using forensically sound techniques and tools • How to construct a cost-effective forensic workstation that can be used to acquire digital media, conduct analysis, and produce comprehensive reports on in support of an open case. • Hands-on practical exercises geared toward exposing the examiner to methods on how to conduct thorough analysis of digital evidence using effective Open Source tools. Day 1: Identification of Digital Evidence Students will understand current technological trends and computer hardware to determine the possible physical location of digital evidence in preparation for forensic acquisition. Skills You Will Learn • Identify components of traditional computing devices • Identify form factors of digital media storage devices • Describe mainstream hard drive interfaces • Discuss virtual computing environments and cloud storage options Day 1: Acquisition of Digital Evidence Students will perform digital media acquisitions using forensically sound methods and procedures with open source/free tools.

Skills You Will Learn • Identify and properly prepare destination storage media. • Explain the forensic methodology used to properly interface with original evidence. • Explain the forensic methodology used to properly acquire digital evidence Day 2: Analysis Tools Overview Students will understand the importance of the growing open source development community to digital forensics, and where trusted resources are located for distribution. Skills You Will Learn • Define the open source concept and how it can be compared with commercially developed software. • Identify popular open source tools, open source tool repositories, and trusted methods that can be used for digital forensic analysis. Day 2: Hash Analysis Students will understand how trusted hash sets of known files can assist them to more efficiently identify pertinent data contained on digital storage media. Skills You Will Learn • Identify trusted sources of available hash sets.