Sims 3 World Editor

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I'm going to preface this guide by saying that by far the simplest way to get the Create a World Tool working is to register your game on The Sims 3 website then download and install the game through Origin. Getting the Create a World tool to work with the Steam version of the game requires edits to the Windows registry. Festina Chrono Bike Tour De France 2010 Edition. Pocket Climber Game. *WARNING!* Making changes to the Windows registry incorrectly can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall Windows. I have followed the steps outlined in this guide and it has worked for me without any issues however you make these changes at your own risk!

Sims 3 World Editor ObjectsSims 3 World Editor

Sakigake Cromartie High School. First, download the Create a World Tool from The Sims 3 website ->If you try to install straight away it will tell you that you need to have Sims 3 installed and installation will fail as the Create a World tool does not recognise the Steam version of Sims 3's installation. To get it to install you need to open notepad and copy and paste the following code For Windows 7 32 bit operating systems.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Wow6432Node Sims] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Wow6432Node Sims The Sims 3] 'SKU'=dword:00000007 'DisplayName'='The Sims™ 3' 'Install Dir'='c: steam steamapps common the sims 3' 'Telemetry'=dword:00000000 'InstallStart'=dword:00000000 'ExePath'='c: steam steamapps common the sims 3 Game Bin TS3.exe' 'ProductID'=dword:000003e8 PLEASE NOTE If you do not have Steam and/or The Sims 3 installed to the default location you will need to alter the 'Install Dir' and 'ExePath' lines of code to show the correct path! If you are not sure of the correct path please go to the third section of this guide titled Help. After pasting the code into notepad and making any necessary changes go to File->Save as at the top left. Make note of where you are saving the file to, then at the bottom of the 'Save as' box that comes up, change 'Save as type' to 'All Files', give your file a name then change the.txt extension to.reg as shown in the picture below and hit save. Now go to where you saved the file to and double click on it to run it. Windows will ask if you want the program to make changes to your computer, select yes and it will make the changes to your Windows registry. Now you should be able to install the Create a World Tool on your PC.