The Knitting Guild Of America Master Knitter Program

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Jen and I have stalled out on our Master Knitting progress, and it’s time to reboot! We would love some company — read all about it, then come join us! What is the Master Knitting Program? It’s an independent study course administered by (TKGA). There are three levels, loosely defined as beginner, intermediate, and advanced.

Knitting Guild

“The Knitting Guild Association is a 501c3 nonprofit dedicated to providing education and resources to knitters to advance their mastery of the craft of knitting. Descargar Driver Atx Form Card.

The knitting itself isn’t particularly difficult — it’s the personal investment you’ll feel with each swatch you knit, and the reflection and thought required for each component. All levels require several swatches, research on knitting techniques and history, and final projects. Your work is submitted as a portfolio for review by current Master Knitters who evaluate it, then send it on to a co-chair of the Master Knitting Committee for final review. It’s an incredibly thorough process, and the feedback is truly phenomenal! Why become a Master Knitter? It’s a fantastic personal challenge. There are fewer than 300 names listed on TKGA’s website under Master Hand Knitters!

Along the way, we’ve been amazed at how much our knitting has improved — small things like finishing details and perfect buttonholes to larger changes like even tension, eliminating gutters in ribbing and cables, and writing patterns! The program trains you to look at your knitting in a new way, with an eye to perfecting your technique and elevating your workmanship. It’s a very traditional approach to preserving the integrity of knitting and turning out true masters of the craft. We are so proud to be part of it!

The Knitting Guild Of America Master Knitter Program