Ventrilo Voice Activation Level
Enhance your WOW or MMO guild chat with Ventrilo voice. Commonly used features can be activated with a. Per server or global configuration level. The level at or above which the compressor. The first and default mode is called 'Voice Activation'. In this mode Ventrilo will monitor your sound cards selected.
How to Use Ducking in Ventrilo This tutorial will show you what Ducking is, and how to use while on your Ventrilo server. Ducking will cause all sounds to automatically lower, so you can hear those speaking on your server without interference. Ducking can be set to activate when you are speaking, when others are speaking, when Text-To-Speech (TTS) messages are played, or when wave files are played. Ducking is especially useful with online gaming as it will reduce in-game sounds that can often drown out important talk on the server.
Utilizing ducking can ensure that all communication on your server is received loud and clear. Before we get started, there are some points to note regarding Ducking and Ventrilo: • Ventrilo supports Ducking with Windows 7 or newer operating systems. Older operating systems will not be able to utilize Ducking • Ducking only works in PTT mode. It will not work when Voice Activation (VA) mode is selected • Ducking will not work when the Ventrilo Client is run in compatibility mode • To activate Ducking, first, open the Setup menu. • On the Network tab click the Ducking button. • Check the Transmitting (XMIT) / Enables Ducking box.
This will activate Ducking when YOU are speaking on the server, and will make the remaining options clickable. • Check the Receiving voice stream box to have Ducking activate when someone else is speaking on the server. • Check the Text To Speech (TTS) box to have Ducking activate whenever a TTS message is played.
• Check the Wave files box to have Ducking activate whenever a wave file is played. The Milliseconds before restoring volume box allows you to adjust the amount of time taken before ducked sounds are returned to their normal levels. You can play with this setting until you find a good fit, or just stick with the default setting. The System Communications (Ducking) Panel button opens the Windows sound menu where you can adjust how your system handles Ducking by either muting all sounds completely, reducing volume by 50%, reducing volume by 80%, or doing nothing. • Once you’ve set your Ducking options simply click OK in both the Ducking and Setup menus, and your settings will be saved, and Ventrilo will begin ducking sounds. You have successfully completed the tutorial to setup Sound Ducking in Ventrilo.
In ventrilo (the client; not the server) I can either broadcast my voice using Push-to-talk (by holding down a key to talk), or 'voice activated', where it will start broadcasting when I start speaking. Problem is, I can't get it to broadcast automatically no matter how much I tweak my mic sensivity. In ventrilo (the client; not the server) I can either broadcast my voice using Push-to-talk (by holding down a key to talk), or 'voice activated', where it will start broadcasting when I start speaking. Problem is, I can't get it to broadcast automatically no matter how much I tweak my mic sensivity.
Is there any way of making Ventrilo broadcast constantly, without needing a button held down and without it needing to 'hear' your voice? It's sensivity is fine when I am actually broadcasting, but for some reason it's not enough to make the mic turn on without shouting.
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