Xperia Sl 6.2.b.1.96

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Xperia Sl ReviewXperia V

However, a screenshot of firmware build 6.2.B.1.96 has leaked for the Xperia SL, showing the handset with 3.4 kernel and similar baseband. [ info ] So guys I have got root on the newest firmware 6.2.B.1.96! Since Sony has patched our beloved perf_event exploit (with which we rooted 30+ Xperia.

Your argument is stupid because Sony was not the reason updates took long with xperia s it was qualcomms fault and since I got my xperia I’ve had some sort of update every 6 weeks. There are other manufacturers that had the same chipset that didn’t do updates like the one your getting right now. I wont need to complain about not getting updates because Sony has streamlined the entire process so they get updates out quickly and efficiently. The simple fact that an xperia released 18 months ago is getting an update shows how sony have progressed not to mention that every sony ericsson flagshipped I’ve owned in the past had continuous updates. Well It was not my intention to harp on continuously about the xperia Z and I wouldn’t have to, had you not responded to my post so it was either be rude and not respond or give you an appropriate response. Just because I have an xperia Z doesn’t mean I look down on xperia s owners.

Most of them are clearly on 2 year contracts so are due for an upgrade any way and when they got their xperia s’s I still had an xperia x10. Where I live the xperia x10, S and Z have all been expensive flagships retailing for roughly the same price each year so the only difference between me and xperia owners is we upgrade at different cycles. I buy all my phones cash brand new just after launch and I usually wait 2-3 years depending on my finances at the time to purchase my new phone. So you see just because I’m rocking an Xperia Z doesn’t mean I’m rich my financial status is probably on par with those same people you claim cant afford one the difference is I plan ahead and save. I think I’ve said enough as we’ve digressed to far off topic. I now hes trolling but why do it on a fan blog? We dont see that kind of people on sonyalpha blog these kind of people were never here even few months back but since sony is becoming better and better now we see more trolls on this blog complaining about nothing!

We need critisism but we need to take them to sony on their forum and twitter. Driver Telkomsel Flash Advan Hspa Usb Modem on this page. Crying on a blog about fixing things no going to help. People always complain on blog but they dont understand we dont work for sony and we need to let sony know on offcial palces about things that need to be fixed! Very happy about this update:) All in all everything seems to be smoother and the apps start much quicker. Program Do Wysylania Faxu. I guess they improved the RAM consumption in general with this update. Fixed: – 2G bug seems to be fixed – 1080p mode bug fixed – walkman app doesn’t stutter any more – wrong “stamina mode” warning has been corrected – white balance mode in camera has been added unsure: – wifi and nfc issues (I can’t tell, as I didn’t experience problems like other users, worked fine for me) – lagging while taking pictures in clubs at night in “night shot” or “party mode”.