Flame Warzone 2100 Map Editor

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Diorama is a gratuitously overengineered random map generator for Warzone 2100 Resurrection. It is written in Python, Cython and ASP (answer set programming). Jul 04, 2012 FlaME is a map editor for Warzone 2100. Note: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=11536 is the location of the new map editor based on FlaME. Tilesets and object data. Warzone 2100 make new map with Flame - Duration: 56:06.

Warzone 2100 Mods

README.md SharpFlame Project Description A modern map editor based on the original Warzone 2100 map editor, written in C#. Status Windows Linux Mac OS X Debug N/A Download N/A N/A Downloads are current snapshots of this ETO branch with Native UI.

Please consider these downloads as a work in progress until we get our code base stabilized. Requirements •.NET 4.0 or Mono 3.x Screenshots Building For windows • git checkout git@github.com:bchavez/SharpFlame.git • build The result of the build process is the executable in source SharpFlame.Gui.Windows bin Release SharpFlame.Gui.Windows.exe. Contributing • Please submit.

Warzone 2100 Map Editor

• All pull requests should include associated unit tests in SharpFlame.Tests. • All pull requests should not break the build.

Road Map ####Milestone 1 • Stabilize source code. • Fix any long-standing issues from original FlaME. • Cleanup ugly coding parts. • Refactor and update parsing / serialization algorithms. Ps3 Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Patch. • Update all dependencies (OpenGL) etc.

• Remove/update obsolete method calls. • Solidify and stabilize Linux / Mono support. ####Milestone 2 • Unit test everything for 100% code coverage (or come close). Fear Of Flying Book Erica Jong. ####Milestone 3 • DirectGames map publishing and distribution for Warzone 2100.

##Project Structure and Descriptions source SharpFlame GUI and application. #### source SharpFlame.Core Core component library for parsing format structures. #### source SharpFlame.Tests Unit tests for the application. #### reference * Original FlaME source code for reference during port to C#. Reference • - Original Source Code Created by:..