Progecad Pdf Printer

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Pdf Printer Windows 7

Hello, sorry for late reply i was ill. Hi ftauto, The 'Printer not activated Error code -20' is typically displayed when the PDF Converter encounters an issue with the activation code that is used to enable the printer. Either an incorrect activation code was used, or the PDF Converter is unable to read the activation code (activation code registry entry was not found). All users of the PDF Converter must have at least read/write privileges to the 'HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG Software ' and 'HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG Software' keys in the registry. If the user does not have permissions to access these keys, the conversion process will fail and the 'Printer not activated Error code -20? Error message will get generated.

Free Progecad For Windows 10

Hi All Just updated to Windows 10, and noticed that the built in PDF printer in ProgeCAD doesn't work anymore (another issue), so I decided to try using the Microsoft. Knowledgebase: English >progeCAD >Print >PDF and JPG Printer. Printer not active 'error code -20'. The 'Printer not activated Error code -20' typically is generated when the PDF Converter encounters an issue with the activation code used to enable the printer. Create high quality PDF files from drawings (with layers! Renault Clio Haynes Rapidshare here. ). ProgeCAD Professional prints PDF files with the same Layer structure of a drawing. The layers can be set on/off in the PDF document using Adobe Reader. Line 6 Spider 2 30w Manual.

To resolve this problem this is the list of steps to follow: 1. Open the Windows Start menu 2. Type REGEDIT in the command area (the blank space). Open the HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG Software folder 4. Look for the interested printer, right click it and click the Permissions. Set the Permissions variable to Everyone 6.

The 'Full Control' and 'Read' options must be enabled.