Radgrid Export To Pdf Landscape

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Radgrid Export To Pdf Landscape

In the figure below the GridView is shown with four buttons 1. Export To Word 2.

Export To Excel 3. Export To PDF 4. Export To CSV Export to Microsoft Word Format C#. Protected Sub btnExportWord_Click( ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Response.Clear() Response.Buffer = True Response.AddHeader( 'content-disposition', 'attachment;filename=GridViewExport.doc') Response.Charset = ' Response.ContentType = 'application/vnd.ms-word ' Dim sw As New StringWriter() Dim hw As New HtmlTextWriter(sw) GridView1.AllowPaging = False GridView1.DataBind() GridView1.RenderControl(hw) Response.Output.Write(sw.ToString()) Response.Flush() Response.End() End Sub The above function renders the GridView contents as Microsoft Word format. You will notice I have disabled paging before exporting, so that all the pages are exported.

Formatting Exports from Telerik RadGrid (PDF,Word, Excel). The export creates XHTML which is then passed to the appropriate engine to produce the download file.

The Output Exported File Export to Microsoft Excel Format For exporting the document to Excel if you do it directly as done in case of word the row background color is applied throughout to all the columns in the Excel Sheet hence in order to avoid it. Avalon Hill Gunslinger Pdf. I have done a workaround below. First I am changing the background color of each row back to white.

Killing Floor Keygen Sony here. Then I am applying the background color to each individual cell rather than the whole row. Thus when you export now you will notice that the formatting is applied only to the GridView cells and not all Also I am applying textmode style class to all cells and then adding the style CSS class to the GridView before rendering it, this ensures that all the contents of GridView are rendered as text.